Let’s chat!

We'd be honored to grab a call to learn about your methane challenges and targets, while outlining how Kathairos is eliminating methane venting at scale across North America.

We look forward to your questions and insights, and invite you to book time with us through the button below.


We’re standing by.

Your goal is to reduce emissions. Our role is to help get you there.

The time is now.

Kathairos aims to champion the elimination of harmful methane emissions resulting from pneumatic device actuation by partnering with oil and gas producers across North America.

The solution is 100% effective, safe and affordable, and experiencing widespread adoption across Canada and the US.

Whether you’re looking to address new (greenfield) or existing (brownfield) oil and gas producing well sites, we would love to connect with you about how Kathairos’ technology can help you immediately and effectively reach your emission reduction goals.