Carbon offsets, made simple.

Kathairos makes it easy for oil and gas producers to maximize the value of their emission offsets with confidence, and free of burden.

Our seasoned in-house carbon accounting team is able to completely manage your offset project from start to finish, including all activities related to project development, verification and serialization.

Emission offsets, commonly referred to as carbon credits, are produced when greenhouse gas emissions are reduced beyond the required regulatory amount in a given jurisdiction.

One emission offset is generated for every ton of CO2e that is averted.

These offsets can then be purchased for compliance purposes by emitters who exceed their regulated emissions allowances, making them highly valuable entities.

Offsets are also highly valuable.

In Canada, the 2023 price on carbon is $65/tonne and $80/tonne in 2024, rising $15 per year until it reaches $170/tonne in 2030. As the carbon price increases, so too does the value and demand for verified offsets.

While carbon pricing may seem somewhat straightforward, the process for developing and serializing offsets can be complex and unfamiliar to companies wishing to participate in the carbon market.

That’s where we come in.

Kathairos emission offset management services

Kathairos is proud to serve as both a field-level solutions provider, and an industry-leading carbon accounting firm.

By overseeing all risks and tasks involved in the offset regulatory process, Kathairos supports today's energy-producing organizations in focusing on the societal and financial benefits of their decarbonization projects, not the paperwork.

Kathairos emission offset management services mobile
  • First, we meet with you to determine your offset revenue goals and serialization preferences, while ensuring you have the utmost clarity and confidence in the options at hand and the road ahead.

    Whether you're addressing hundreds of well sites or just a handful, we work hand-in-hand with your team to identify which of Kathairos' offset service options best suits your needs before outlining your project framework.

  • Next, we provide you with our Offset Service Agreement that clearly outlines the terms and expectations of both parties from the outset of offset accumulation, right through to credit verification and serialization, including offset ownership and transfer over the project term.

  • Whether it’s submitting a new project plan to Alberta Carbon Registries on your behalf, adding additional well sites to an aggregate project, or simply organizing and verifying your abatement data so you can serialize the project yourself, Kathairos will ensure your emission reduction efforts are translated into serialized offsets.

Like our technology, our carbon accounting process is simple.

Kathairos emission offset management services - tablet

Our Offset Service Offerings

Kathairos is committed to providing high-quality offset management services, from initial project plan development to the serialization of offset credits.

As both the technology and data provider, we are able to offer the lowest cost offset services and act as a one-stop-shop for all offset requirement needs.

Zero upfront costs are incurred by the producer, as Kathairos is only paid for its equipment and services once the offsets have been successfully serialized.

Option A:

  • When utilizing Kathairos’ patent-pending technology for converting pneumatics to zero vent using nitrogen, producers can opt to include the initiative in one of Kathairos’ aggregate emission offset projects.

    This scenario allows producers to take advantage of the economies of scale associated with combining multiple ‘sub-projects’ (i.e. locations and producers) together in a single offset project.

    Kathairos manages all aspects of the aggregated offset project through to serialization, at which point each participating producer has the option to retain their share of serialized offsets for compliance purposes or to sell on Alberta's offset market.

    In an aggregate project, emission offsets are serialized at least once per year throughout the project term.

    Offset management fees for aggregate projects is set at 12% of total emissions offsets generated. This option provides producers with pricing certainty and an economical way to generate offsets from even a small number of locations.

Option B

  • Kathairos also offers producers the option to develop custom offset projects for individual organizations who prefer not to join an aggregate project, and instead aim to bundle a large number of their own locations into a single offset project.

    Under this scenario, Kathairos manages all aspects of the offset process, and serializes and transfers the offsets at the client’s discretion. This allows clients greater flexibility, liquidity and involvement in the offset process.

    Pricing for custom projects depends on the number of locations and average vent rate of each, and will be quoted accordingly.

Option C

  • Do you have the expertise, support and preference to serialize your own offset project while utilizing our field-level emissions mitigation solutions? We can compile the comprehensive abatement data we've collected on your behalf, and work with your verifier to certify and serialize offsets.

    We know everyone has different needs when managing offsets themselves. Kathairos’ verifier access and data support is subject to an hourly consulting fee. Please contact us for more information

In Alberta, an emission reduction project can generate offsets for up to 10 years.

Kathairos will manage all offset projects and associated revenue until the project is no longer eligible for offsets, either as a result of project completion or pending a change in regulation mandates.

Ready to get started?

 We’d love to work with you in making your emission mitigation, management and offset goals a reality.