
The time to end methane venting is now, and the solution is here.

Clean, effective and affordable methane mitigation.

The Kathairos solution to the widespread venting of methane from pneumatic devices on remote well sites is simple: liquid nitrogen.

The system has no moving parts, requires no maintenance or onsite power and generates zero onsite emissions.

Operator involvement is reduced to a single on/off gas supply valve, and everything else is automated.

Nitrogen is a non-corrosive, non-flammable, non-polluting gas that can replace the methane gas traditionally used at remote well sites to actuate pneumatics.

We take advantage of nitrogen's natural tendency to turn from liquid back to gaseous state in order to power valves, pumps and pneumatic devices.

The Kathairos system requires no onsite power and operates flawlessly in all weather conditions.

  • That would be nitrogen.

    Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless gas that makes up 78% of the air we breathe.

    The Kathairos solution makes use of nitrogen, a non-flammable, non-corrosive and waterless gas, to actuate pneumatics in remote oil and gas well sites.

    Liquid nitrogen is produced from the liquefaction and distillation of air. It is particularly useful as it can expand into a large volume of gas, making it an excellent replacement for instrument gas in powering pneumatics.

  • When stored in a cryogenic vessel, liquid nitrogen rapidly builds pressure as it becomes gas.

    The Kathairos system utilizes this naturally occurring phenomenon by controlling the vaporization rate of liquid nitrogen and thereby the resulting pressure, temperature and flow of nitrogen gas.

    Key components of the system include a support base, liquid nitrogen storage tank, pressure-temperature-flow control, safety devices, instrumentation and telemetry.

  • AKA: the future of methane reduction.

    Conveniently manufactured as a compact free-standing integrated system, our nitrogen storage tanks range from 265L to 5,500L and can deliver nitrogen gas at ambient temperatures at a desired volume and pressure.

    Our engineers and field operators survey site specifics and consult well use trends to select the right-sized tanks based on pneumatic vent requirements and optimum refill frequency.

    Every Kathairos unit is equipped with cellular or satellite telemetry, which wirelessly alerts a web-based data portal, the Kathairos app and the Kathairos distribution network when tanks require refilling.

    The system has no moving parts, requires no maintenance, requires no electricity and generates no onsite emissions.

    Almost all system functions are automated, with operator involvement reduced to a single on/off gas supply valve.

    Approved for use in all Canadian provinces and US states, our units can be rapidly deployed, relocated with ease and used to address thousands of sites.

  • In September 2020, we launched a flawless field trial in Edson, Alberta in partnership with Velvet Energy, using nitrogen as instrument gas for pneumatic devices. Download the Field Trial Report here.

    In partnership with a multitude of world-leading oil and gas producers, the Kathairos solution is now experiencing rapid adoption across North America.

    We invite you to get in touch to learn more about our proprietary solution for methane elimination on remote well sites.

A process that’s as simple as the solution:

Step 1


Our team of seasoned energy industry and emissions reduction professionals maps a plan to bring your well site methane emissions to zero.

In regions where carbon offsets are available, our carbon management team also develops your Offset Project Plan for regulatory approval.

Step 2


Kathairos' team delivers your selection of proprietary liquid nitrogen tanks to site.

There’s no need to change operations or install new equipment. The nitrogen system is tied into the existing methane system and the location becomes emission-free, just like that.

From there, we refill the liquid nitrogen once per month, and more if needed. It’s that simple.

Step 3


Access your detailed emission mitigation data, download investor-grade reports and seamlessly communicate your positive climate impact to shareholders and stakeholders alike using the Kathairos app.

We build the solution, manage any offset projects and aggregate the data, so you can focus on the next great step in your decarbonization journey.

Seamlessly scalable, effective and affordable

Pay as you go, and only for what you use.

With the Kathairos system, producers only pay for the emissions actually eliminated, given that nitrogen use increases and decreases proportionate to vent rates.

There’s no question: Kathairos' unique tank rental and nitrogen refill model allows for the lowest cost solution in the fight against remote well site methane emissions.

No upfront capital investment,
no equipment purchase.

Unlike systems that generate power to drive compressors at the site, the Kathairos solution requires no upfront capital investment or equipment purchase, and consists of just 3 straightforward fees:

  • This one-time fee covers the delivery of your liquid nitrogen units to site, as well as the initial cooldown and commissioning of the tanks.

    Install time is 1-2 hours per site, and completed in a single visit. Kathairos has the capacity for 10-20 installs per day, and 2-6 week delivery thanks to our continuous production line and robust tank inventory.

  • The monthly rental cost of the Kathairos' liquid nitrogen storage tank, telemetry and circuitry system is priced according to the size of system required.

    Our extensive range of tank sizes serve everything from micro-venting to high-bleed wells, with single tanks often servicing a multi-well pad.

  • This all-in delivered nitrogen fee includes all services provided by Kathairos field personnel, including nitrogen procurement, dispatch and monitoring.

    Deep partnerships with leading industrial gas suppliers and our expansive North American service network enable us to provide unbeatable microbulk liquid nitrogen pricing.

Let us show you the economics of taking your well site portfolio to zero methane.

“Without question, this is the best solution to eliminate methane emissions from pneumatic pumps.”

– Darrell Hughes, Bruin Pumps Canada

Carbon Impact

Kathairos provides a very low carbon intensity solution to the problem of methane venting.

There are no onsite emissions associated with the Kathairos system, and the emissions generated during the production and transport of liquid nitrogen are extremely minimal.

CO2 emissions generated fluctuate depending on well site location and distance to a nitrogen production plant or our regional storage facility, but on average, for every 100 tons of CO2 eliminated, less than 1 ton of CO2 is produced during production and transport.

This amounts to less than 1% of the total emissions eliminated, and a very low carbon solution.

  • 55kg of liquid nitrogen is required to eliminate 1 ton of CO2e emissions in a typical remote well site.

    With an expansion ratio of ~700:1, this amount of liquid nitrogen converts into 46 standard cubic metres (Sm3) of gaseous nitrogen (N2), which then replaces 59 Sm3 of methane given its gas equivalency ratio (GER) of 1.2762.

    In this case, less than 20kg CO2e is created during the production and transportation of 55kg of liquid nitrogen.

    Put another way, the net emissions reduction in this example is 980 kg CO2e.

Carbon offsets, made simple.

At Kathairos, we mitigate your methane venting on-site, while earning you valuable carbon credits in the process.

Our seasoned in-house carbon accounting team is able to completely manage your offset project from start to finish, including all activities related to project development, verification and serialization.

In Action

An Award-Winning Solution

In October 2021, Kathairos was awarded first place in the Colorado Oil and Gas Cleantech Challenge. Push play to see our winning video submission.

Curious About Our Technology?

Allow us to walk you through a technical overview of the Kathairos solution, featuring a site visit to our test site in Alberta, Canada.

Community Impact

Enriching communities, one site at a time.

Kathairos creates approximately 5 long-term, permanent jobs for every 100 units deployed, both rural and urban alike.

With a projected 100,000 units installed by the end of 2025, Kathairos is on track to be one of North American’s largest clean tech employers.

Kathairos takes advantage of existing production facilities.

Liquid nitrogen is extracted from air and liquified in Air Separation Plants, which are numerous across North America’s oil and gas producing regions.

This means there is no shortage of capacity available to produce the liquid nitrogen needed to address hundreds of thousands of well sites.


“Dealing with global warming is incredibly empowering because of the opportunities it creates as we transition our energy systems from polluting to non-polluting.”

– Andrew Weaver, Canadian Climate Scientist